A Survivor’s Bill of Rights
“We will all do good things and bad things, and we will all hurt the people we love. Sadly, we
“We will all do good things and bad things, and we will all hurt the people we love. Sadly, we
What happens to you when you start a relationship apologizing? Apologizing for taking up space, apologizing for wanting things, apologizing for feeling passion and love? What happens when you go into a relationship accepting the premise that you’re doing something wrong?
A backwards connection happens when you decide who someone is and then attempt to connect with that image. The examples she uses are very basic, and it demonstrates how often we are just one step away from a control connection, and the justification of abuse.
The thing that separates manipulation from enslavement on one end, and influence on the other, is the illusion of choice. It is also why being manipulated will degrade your self esteem so rapidly. You watch yourself make choices against your own self interest, and it chips away at your self respect.
This is a post written by my friend Shea Emma Fett on her personal blog on January 16,2015. She has given me
This is a post written by my friend Shea Emma Fett on her personal blog on December 5, 2014. She
There’s this idea that’s been rolling around in my head for awhile. I call it “bees in the closet.” You live
Originally published on Medium. Please update your links. 2016 is shaping up to be a tough year for rapists and
Abuse is, unfortunately, common in polyamorous relationships, just as in monogamous relationships. Polyamorous abuse can look different from abuse in monogamous relationships because of the characteristics of group dynamics. In addition, most polyamorous relationship advice assumes non-abusive relationships, but may be harmful when applied to abusive situations, and many resources for abuse survivors aren’t necessarily friendly for polyamorous people.